travelling salesman. fav drink maotai. maotai makes it much easier for me to deal with people. that includes you so don't go leaving any nasty comments :)

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Love many Marry Once... II

"love changes for the better" because the "love" at the beginning of a relationship is a different emotion from the "love" which comes later.

maotai's friends break up/ divorce with excuses like "i don't love him/ her anymore because i love someone else" or "i found my true love" or "this time is real" (LOL)

this is BULLSHIT maotai's belief is that between couples the "love" thing starts as "spark/ interest/ lust/ crush/ chance" then with work continuous commitment from both sides almost all relationships can be turned into "love", the kind of "love" that lasts.

so if the "spark" is not fanned then no fire will happen. maotai's experience is that those who seriously believe in the "one great love binding two hearts forever" concept are the most likely to get hurt and/or change "the one great love" in their lives.


Little Miss Drinkalot said...

I agree that it takes work and continuous effort to maintain a relationship. Even friendships.

maotai said...

yeah lor. so how much time does one actually has to commit to the relationships already in place? what are the expectations of one's friends/ lovers/ family members etc? part of the problem is not being able to meet up to those expectations.

Little Miss Drinkalot said...

I can't answer that. There are too many variables.

maotai said...

rhetorical questions lah... ;)