travelling salesman. fav drink maotai. maotai makes it much easier for me to deal with people. that includes you so don't go leaving any nasty comments :)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A Chinese Story - How Alcohol Was Invented

a long long time ago, a man had a dream. in the dream a fairy told him to collect a drop of blood each from three different persons and to add the blood to a brew of rice and water.

when the man woke up he went to the village crossroads and waited. the first person that came along was a scholar carrying books and in the robes of the class. the man then asked for a drop of blood. the scholar consulted the i-ching, decided to provide the man with his blood and went on his way.

the next person who came along as a soldier. the soldier gladly offered his blood without even asking why the man needed it.

the man waited and waited, soon evening came and he was tired. as he was making his way home he saw the village idiot squatting at the side of the road. deciding that the fool would do, the man pricked the fool's finger and took a drop.

when the man reached home, he brewed the rice and water, added the three drops of blood, let the brew sit for a few weeks and alcohol was invented.

thus the nature of alcohol, the first phase of drinking allows us to wax philosophical, we would seem learnt and would have the answers to world problems. the second phase makes us brave and reckless, fearing nothing and wanting to fight everything. and lastly we reach the stage of being fools.

so now you know, LOL


Little Miss Drinkalot said...

Even if this story isn't true, it's so true. LOL!

maotai said...

been onto stage 3 more times than i would really liked *sigh* LOL

Unknown said...

blood....... *looks suspiciously at her magaritas*

maotai said...

there there *patting twit on the arm* it is only a story. here have a nice bloody mary LOL

BeeNuts said...

N do u now how yam paste was invented?

maotai said...

no. pray please do tell.