travelling salesman. fav drink maotai. maotai makes it much easier for me to deal with people. that includes you so don't go leaving any nasty comments :)

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What Can Never Be

but life is such
can only create in the mind
what can never be
but sometimes that is enough
let the spirit be pampered
see us thru another day
in hope of happiness


Little Miss Drinkalot said...

Sounds familiar. I'm quite good at delusional survival.

maotai said...

for me, the sharp edge of the emotion sword has long since been blunted by time.

Alex said...

A dream and a delusion are two very different things. Fall into an apparation and it's likely you'd fall on your face. No worries Mr Maotai, eventually the sword will be sharpened once again. Not because you deserve someone in life, no...but because someone will deserve you.